"Harry" is a little fuzzy ball with googly eyes.
It's hard to see in class when you have no legs and you are only 3 cms tall! The children were tasked with creating the tallest look out point for Harry possible using materials that were in the bag. They definitely got clever and creative using all of the materials to complete the challenge!
Congratulations to Liz, Heidi and everyone involved in the Active Committee on their fantastic achievement of earning the Active School flag.
The Active School inspector was so impressed with all the phenomenal work happening in Esker that representatives from our school were asked to talk to other schools about the Active Flag initiatives we have here. Representatives from 6th class are on the Active Committee and members of our class demonstrated some of the examples of active things you can get involved in both in school and outside of school at this assembly. The children were challenged to make a complete circle with the pringles... without eating them all!
We took part in 6 cycle training classes.
We learned how to do all of the correct safety checks on a bike. We learned how to use the correct hand signals. We practiced how to behave as a cyclist on the reoad. We finished off with a cycle around our local community to put all of our skills into action. We had some very egg-citing visitors to our school in November!
Senior Infants green hosted us a visitors to see their eggs that hatched into 3 adorable fluffy chicks! We were so excited to watch them hatch and peep around the brood box! Our first Learn Together Friday Assembly of the year deserves a spot on the blog because this year, we get to sit on the benches!
The perks of being in Sixth Class! We are so lucky to have access to a brand new library this year chock full of interesting books to read. We even had to get a new shelving unit to accommodate all of our books!
We couldn't possibly read all of the books, so we held a book tasting! Piles of books were placed on the tables. The children had some time at each stop to browse through a selection of books and choose which ones they thought would be a good fit for them. They made a reading menu for themselves. This is a list of books that they would like to read from the library during the year. Using only spaghetti and marshmallows, the groups were asked to build the tallest (stable!) tower possible.
It was more challenging than it looked! The children had to consider their engineering skills and ask questions such as: How wide of a base do we need? What shape would make the best base? How can we build height without breaking or toppling the tower? How will we distribute the weight? And many more! I think we have some future architects and engineers on our hands! Each group were given 6 cups, an elastic band and some string.
The challenge? To build various towers and structures. The trick? You can't touch the cups! Here is a glimpse of one group working really well as a team to solve the first challenge. Did they manage to get the last cup on without knocking over their tower? Welcome to Sixth Class Green 2023-2024!
On behalf of myself, Katie, Daniel, Harriet, Catríona and all the sixth class team, we are delighted to be working with Sixth Class Green again this year. We are looking forward to a fun-filled year ahead! Here is a glimpse of what we got up to to celebrate 'Back to School'! |
Sarah's ClassHello Everybody! Archives
February 2024