Fourth Class Green's Assembly PerformanceFourth Class Green's performance reminded us all of the part we can play to help to reduce inequalities and take care of our precious planet. Well done everyone!
Pancake Tuesday Fundraiser for Australian BushfiresA huge thank you to the PTA, Student Council, Green Schools and Eco Committee for their amazing work today! All proceeds will go to World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to aid the relief effort in Australia.
5th Class STEMpathy Fiosracht Project with Technological University DublinSTEMpathy Projects from 5th Class Red and GreenChildren from Fifth Class created STEMpathy projects which involved creating innovative, futuristic solutions for superheros with disabilities in Dublin City in the year 2100! Combining STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) with empathy reinforces what the Sustainable Development Goals are designed to achieve. Incredible work!