It is Maths Week 2023 and we have a fantastic week of fun maths activities lined up across the school! We are so happy to be have parents and guardians come into our classes and experience some hands on maths fun with us! We want to take this opportunity to tell you about the NEW MATHS CURRICULUM! It is starting to be rolled out. We will be sending an information sheet to all families during the week. The biggest change will be in HOW we teach maths, rather than what we teach. Our big focus in Esker ETNS this year continues to be on telling the time, including using timetables! So this week in Maths Week we are doing lots of time-telling activities. If you are unclear about what aspects of “Time” your child should be learning you can look at the bottom of this page for detail from the curriculum guidelines. In school the children will be doing a range of maths activities including across all the strands, not just time: maths stations, maths trails, quizzes, problem solving activities and using technology-based games. We will be using a Prompt Sheet this year to help ask questions about time (see files). At home you could also do the following activities:
Useful Files![]()
Interactive Games |