In 2nd Class Green, we have been learning all about Space! We have also been exploring caring for our planet by planting seeds and recycling. We decided to combine these two topics to make some amazing space rockets, helmets and control stations using 'junk'. Check out our fabulous creations below - we had a 'blast'! Back in March, we celebrated World Book Day here in 2nd Class Green. We took the chance to get outside again and curl up with a good book - how many different authors can you see us enjoying?
We had lots of fun exploring length during outdoor Maths in our lovely Forest Area in the school grounds. Everyone in 2nd Class Green had their rulers, measuring tapes, trundle wheels and, of course, coats and warm hats, investigating all about centimetres and metres. When we finished up in the Forest Area, we measured the yard and we even estimated and recorded how far we can jump in PE! We had lots of fun so far in 2nd Class Green! See if you can spot any familiar faces behind the spooky costumes! We also had some very exciting visitors to the class for Maths Week! Everyone is enjoying the chance to play the different games both in school and at home. We have had a very busy term in First Class green! Take a look.... We had a very exciting visit from the ice-cream van... it was very tasty! Sports Day and Flag raising: We had a wonderful day for our sports day this year. The weather made it even better! We cooled down with ice-pops. We also enjoyed taking part in the flag raising ceremony. We are very proud to raise the Amber, Pride and Active Flags in our school. School Tour to Kildare Farm On the 8th of June we set off to Kildare Farm. We had the best day on the bus and the train! We played crazy golf, fed the animals and had a delicious lunch too! Maths for fun! We are so lucky to have some amazing parents coming into our classroom to teach us maths games. We play these games with the parents every Tuesday morning. Thank you to everyone who has helped out :-) What have we been learning about?
We have been learning about different foods this year. We made butter using whipped cream. We took turns shaking the jar until it turned into butter! We tasted the yummy homemade butter on a cracker. We have also been taking our reading books outside and reading in our lovely school grounds. We love reading outside in the sunshine! We have been spending more time outside during our lessons. We made some little clay insects outside in the forest area :-) In First Class green, we are very passionate about keeping our school clean and green! Lucan Tidy Towns joined us on a litter pick around the school. We really enjoyed chatting to the members of the Tidy Town's and finding out how we can help :-) 16/10/22
On Friday the 16th of December we took part in 'Silly Hat Day'. With the help of our families and friends we created an assortment of hats! Check out our pictures below to see the amazing creations in First Class Green. Wellbeing Week 2023We celebrated Wellbeing Week from the 24th- 28th of April. We took part in different activities each day such as mindful colouring, yoga, walking outside, baking and dancing! We really enjoyed this week and felt calm and relaxed after. We also took a walk down to King John's Bridge. It is the oldest stone bridge in Ireland! The children enjoyed sketching the bridge in their copies. Here are some pictures from Esker loves books. We spent lots of time reading. We loved having our parents in the classroom reading books in Polish, Urdu, Romanian and English. We had our assembly performance in January. We sang a song called Gung hay fat choy for the Lunar New Year. Pancake Tuesday brought some yummy pancakes to our classroom too!
We were absolutely delighted to see snow on our yard in December in here in Esker. We wrapped up in hats, scarves and gloves and had a fabulous time making snowballs and snowmen in the yard! Science experiments, junk art, iPads, construction and drama... we are always busy!Culture DayOn Friday the 18th of November, we celebrated the different cultures here in Esker ETNS. The children wore traditional outfits and colours to celebrate their countries. Take a look below to see what countries and cultures we celebrated in First Green!
Emer's ClassHi, my name is Emer and welcome to the 3rd Class Green blog. Follow our blog to keep up with our adventures throughout the year! Archives
December 2024
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