Good morning everyone, I hope most of you got to watch RTE's new learn at home programme. There are further activities, jokes and riddles based on the programme on Check it out! Maths: Mental Maths Tuesday Play this time game Maths Topic: Area: choose at least one area challenge from yesterday's challenge cards. English: Phonics ‘tch’
RTE Home learning hub: Tune into RTE’s home school hub at 11am on RTE 2 or watch on Gaeilge: Log into (Select teacher – fill in username and email address- use password Prim20) Féach ar postaer digiteach 13 ‘Raic sa Seomra’ éist leis an scéal agus freagair na ceisteanna. Éist le ‘Oró sé do Bheatha ‘Bhaile’. SESE: Continue working on your New Zealand /Maori project Student’s choice: Choose one of the following:
Good morning everyone, I hope you had a relaxing weekend. Here are today's suggested activities: Maths: Mental Maths Monday Play this time game Maths Topic: Area: choose an area challenge (file attached below) RTE Home learning hub: Tune into RTE’s home school hub at 11am on RTE 2 or watch on SPHE: Write a list of your favourite things – you can draw pictures of them if you like. English:
PE: Create and do an obstacle course or do a body coach workout with Joe Wicks Gaeilge: Log into (Select teacher – fill in username and email address- use password Prim20) Féach ar postaer digiteach 13 ‘Raic sa Seomra’ éist leis an scéal agus freagair na ceisteanna. Éist le ‘Oró sé do Bheatha ‘Bhaile’. SESE: New Zealand project Homework: See Aladdin Have a lovely day, Caoimhe. ![]()
Good morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed yesterday's activities and got some exercise. Here are today's suggestions: Maths: Mental Maths Friday Review Test yourself on your tables (number bonds or divided by 10) Revise number bonds/ division tables on Hit the Button English: Write a diary entry about how you are feeling and how you and your family are passing the time. Read the poem ‘Be Glad Your Nose is On Your Face’, learn the first verse. (File attached below) Test yourself on the first ten of this week’s spellings (p.46 outdoor- unaware). Listen to David Walliam's daily read aloud: Gaeilge: Log into (Select teacher – fill in username and email address- use password Prim20) Féach ar postaer digiteach 13 ‘Raic sa Seomra’ éist leis an scéal agus freagair na ceisteanna. SESE: Make a rainbow Choose an activity from one of your choice boards or a game from one of the following websites: Have a wonderful weekend! Caoimhe. ![]()
Good morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed the sun yesterday, Here are today's activities: Maths: Mental Maths: Thursday Revise your number bonds/ times tables with your tables sheets or Hit the Button Maths Topic: Area: A short video to remind you what area is Area game: Activity: Find the area of your name 1. Write your name in block writing on squared paper (You can use a maths copy, or get squared paper on Twinkl you can even draw your own squares, just make sure they are the same size!) 2. Count the number of squares in your name. The total number of squares is the area of your name! Look at this example I made yesterday! English: Write an explanation on how to plant seeds For help on how to write an explanation look at p.84 of Word Wizard or: Gaeilge: Log into (Select teacher – fill in username and email address- use password Prim20) Féach ar postaer digiteach 13 ‘Raic sa Seomra’ agus éist leis an scéal. SESE: Go on a nature walk (keeping social distance) and collect sticks, leaves, feathers and other natural resources. Art: Design a Koru spiral pattern. See instructions attached below. You may choose to add the natural materials you collected on your walk or just colour it in! ![]()
Homework: See Aladdin I'm sure there are many boys and girls in 3rd Red who miss writing stories for Catherine's Writing Wall of Fame so Catherine's new writing competition will be very welcome news!
Here is a message from Catherine: Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and are not feeling too bored. I’m feeling a bit bored and I would like to have something interesting to read, so I decided to have a story writing competition. There will be one winner from every class and there will be prizes when we get back to school. When you have finished writing your story you should email it to me. My email address is [email protected]. If you don’t have anything to type your story on, you can write it on a piece of paper, take a photograph of it and email the photo to me. Make sure your writing is very neat and the photo is clear, otherwise I won’t be able to read it. You have to send me your stories by Thursday 2nd April. I will read them all and announce the winners on Friday 3rd April. Please only send me one story each. I won’t have time to read more than that. Before you write your story, please read the tips for writing stories at the bottom of the page. These are what I will be thinking about when I’m choosing the winners of the competition. Here are the rules of the competition. Read them carefully. Have fun! Use your imagination! I’m looking forward to reading your stories. Remember –it’s really important that you write your name and your class at the top of your story. 3rd and 4th class. Your story should be 300-400 words long. You can write about anything you like, but if you can’t think of an idea, start with this line: I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Tips for Writing Stories. 1.If you are not typing, make sure your writing is neat, otherwise I won’t be able to read what you’ve written. 2. Always make a plan for your story before you start writing. Think of what happens in the beginning, the middle and the ending before you start. 3. In your story the main character should have some kind of problem they have to solve. For example, they could be lost, they could be on a boat that starts to sink, there could be a dragon scaring the people in the town where they live. 3. You should try to use interesting vocabulary. For example, shouted, whispered, squeaked, instead of said. 4. When you finish writing, go back and read through what you have written. Are there any mistakes? Can you fix anything, make it clearer or more interesting? 5.Don’t forget to write about what your characters are feeling and thinking. Why do they decide to do what they do in the story? How do they react to the things that happen to them? 6. Make your first few lines very interesting, so that I will want to continue reading. 7. Make sure you think of a good, interesting ending for your story. Good luck, Catherine Dear Parents,
Audible - which is owned by Amazon are offering free streams of children's audio stories across six languages. Listening to stories read aloud can help improve your child's reading skills. You don't need to create an account to listen, just select the audio book and click 'start listening'. All available titles can be accessed via phone, laptop or tablet at Every day at 11 am, you can also listen to one of David Walliam's 'World's Worst Children' books on the 'Elevenses' page at Listen to today's funny story here: I hope you are all having a healthy and happy day and a big Happy Birthday to Olivier who is 9 today, Hana who will be 9 on Thursday and Ola who will be 9 next week! Best wishes, Caoimhe. Good morning and happy Friday everyone! Here are today's activities: Mental Maths Friday Review Daily 10 or Hit the Button My Spelling workbook p. 46 6-10 learn and put into sentences English sheet day 70 Discovery book p. 71 10 divided by tables (handout). Read for 20 minutes + Revise vocabulary on Abair Liom Write a letter to a grandparent or another relative who you can't see at the moment, post it or take a photo of it and ask a parent to send it to them. Ask them to write back to you! Choose 1 activity from grid. Maori/New Zealand Project Go to and choose a guided drawing to do. Write in your diary. Put on your favourite music and try these exercises one after the other: 30 seconds running on the spot. 30 seconds high knees. 30 seconds jumping jacks. 30 seconds jog on the spot. To give yourself a bigger challenge try to do this 2 or 3 times in a row! Have a great weekend, Caoimhe. We have been very busy in the last few weeks in 3rd Class Red. We were learning about static electricity with balloons in science, length in maths, we made clay pyramids in art and we created our own Egyptian dramas, have a look at some of our photos!
Heidi's ClassHi! My name is Heidi and welcome to the 6th Class Red blog.
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