New Principal in Esker ETNS
This is my first week as Principal of Esker ETNS. I would like to introduce myself, to anyone who does not know me. My name is Gemma, I have been a teacher in this school since 2007 and have had many roles, including class teacher, HSCL and Deputy Principal. I am looking forward to working closely with you and your children over the coming years. I would like to thank Colette for her tireless work over the last thirteen years in creating an inclusive school where the teaching is excellent and learning is fun. I will endeavor to continue to build on this work with our incredible staff and children. A Legend Retires A huge thank you to all the children and parents for making Colette’s retirement such a special occasion. Thank you for all the hard work from the PTA, especially Maureen, Sabaa, Angela, Deepa and Janice. The parents held a Zoom meeting for Colette. There were videos, singing, animations and very emotional speeches. Thank you for all the kind words and generous gifts for Colette. We were thrilled to see families from home and abroad at the meeting. We had a whole school assembly for Colette with the children on Friday. They presented her with a book of poems written by the children about Colette. She then visited each class to chat to the children individually. Colette was an inspirational leader and we will miss her dearly. We wish her lots of happiness and a well-earned rest with her family. Safety Measures continue – How you can help? With restrictions at Level 3 in place all over the country, we need to be mindful of safety measures in the school. 1. Stay home if your child is feeling unwell – if your child needs medicine, keep them at home. Check this website for Covid- 19 symptoms: 2. Stay informed – Here is the latest advice on Level 3 Restrictions 3. Drop off and collection - Parents JI – 2nd class – you can drive / walk into the school grounds to the drop off point. 3rd – 6th class parents – please do not come on to the school grounds in the car or on foot. Your child can be dropped to Castle road if you need to drive. 4.Parents – when collecting / dropping off your child please social distance and ALWAYS wear a mask correctly 5.Make sure that your children know how to wash their hands correctly. Things are working very well so far. Thank you for your cooperation with this. We are all working together to keep the school safe. Ventilation We have been advised by the Department of Education and government guidelines to ensure that good ventilation is available to children and staff at all times. This means that all windows, classroom doors and yard exits will be kept open during the day. The heating is on during the day, however, as Winter approaches the temperature is dropping. Please make sure that your child comes to school in warm layers of clothes with a warm winter coat. Fresh air is really important and is another we can stay safe. Enrolment – new Junior infants 2021 /22 Enrolment for new Junior Infants for 2021 is now open online. Please note that all applications are made online only. The enrolment window is open until 19th November 2020. Applicants will be informed on 30th November of places available. Birth certificates and proof of address are required only when the school place is accepted. Any application made after the 19th November will be placed on the waiting list. Please find the enrolment form at: Updating contact details on Aladdin Connect It is so important that we have your most up to date contact details on Aladdin, our database. If you change telephone number or move house, please make sure that you update your contact details on Aladdin Connect. If you are unable to do so, please contact Linda (our HSCL) on 0860261061 or [email protected] Blended Learning - See Saw & G Suite Children from Infants to 5th class will all have received their individual QR code by now, we purchased a license for each child. The teachers have assigned simple tasks online to ensure that your child has the adequate skills to engage in blended learning, when at home. Our SET teachers were giving extra to support to children, where needed. 6th class are using G suite to do tasks at home. Please encourage your child to engage with See Saw or G suite daily, so their skills and competence grow. Weekly Assemblies As you know, we are not allowed to mix classes. We are no longer able to hold our weekly Learn Together Assemblies in the hall. We have been holding assemblies every Friday on Zoom, which allows the children to see each other. We will still hold weekly assemblies to ensure that we all Learn Together to Live together. Classes learn about different strands in the Learn together curriculum (Ethics and the Environment, Equality and Justice, Belief systems, and Moral and Spiritual) and prepare a presentation and artwork to show the other classes. We love our Learn Together Assemblies. Maths week Maths week begins on Monday 12th October, until Friday 16th of October. Usually, we would invite all the parents into school, to take part in maths trails, maths stations and a Maths quiz for senior classes. Unfortunately, we are unable to do any of these fun activities this year. Keep an eye on your e mail, Linda will send home useful websites and maths trails for you to do at home with your children. Parent Teacher Association (PTA) - AGM Due to Covid -19 restrictions, we can no longer have Parents in the building, so the PTA are unable to hold meeting in the Parents’ room. Every year, they hold an AGM (annual general meeting). At this meeting, the PTA give an update of events from previous years and elections for the new committee are held. This year, the AGM will be held in November on Zoom. Details will be sent out nearer the time. Dress up on 23rd of October The last day of school before the mid-term break is Friday 23rd of October. Children are welcome to dress up in fancy dress that day, or indeed in traditional clothes to mark the last day before mid-term. Mid Term There is no school from 26th – 30th October. Wishing all of our families a safe, relaxing break. Please be mindful of all Government restrictions during your time at home. Warmest Regards Gemma
AuthorUpdates from Gemma about our school. Archives
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