I'm sure that because we are all at home lots of you, like me, have been watching more videos and movies than you usually do! Games, movies and videos can be a good distraction and entertaining for while but it's still really important to switch off from screens every now and then too. Remember to limit your screen time if you can and move around either inside our outdoors (keeping distance from other people around you of course)! Here's a good challenge I found which you can use in between breaks. You could start with spelling your name then maybe the title of the book you're reading or you're favourite food etc. Also, here is a link to the 'Headspace' Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Getsomeheadspace Their app is also available free to download on Android and Apple devices. Their videos are a great way to relax and calm your mind if you are feeling worried, anxious, bored, angry, confused or if you just want to try something new! You can watch and listen alone or with others, they have lots of different types of meditations for you to try! For those who haven't seen it already, I wanted to share this competition with you because I think it is a really great opportunity for you all! John Boyne (author of 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas') is holding a competition for children to share short stories they have written with him and five other Irish authors. The competition is open now until NEXT WEDNESDAY at 5pm and is open for children aged 6 - 18 years old. There are three categories in total (6 - 10 year olds, 11 - 14 year olds and 15 - 18 year olds) so if you enter a story to the competition, you will be in the 11-14 year old category. Your story cannot be over 300 words, but it can be less than that. I would aim for between 190 - 300 words if I were you! For more information, have a look at the website here: https://johnboyne.com/short-story-competition/ And lastly, earlier this week I was able to visit the school to collect some books and I took some pictures of the daffodils and butterfly-friendly pollinators we planted last Autumn that are finally in bloom! Not the best quality photos, but if you look closely you can see the purple pollinator flowers. Can you try to research the names of them?
Happy Friday and enjoy the sunny weather if you can get out for a walk :) Giorgia
Here are some useful websites and online resources to keep yourselves busy over the next few days! Just copy and paste each one into your searchbar and see what interests you. There are also other websites mentioned on the school website if you go to Linda's post on the homepage.
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/but-why-podcast-for-curious/id1103320303?mt=2 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tumble-science-podcast-for/id984771479?mt=2 The websites above have podcasts that you can listen to on lots of different topics, choose whatever ones you're interested in! https://www.classicsforkids.com/games.html This website has great Music activities and games where you can compose and create your own sounds. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?Subject=16&AgeGroup=4 https://www.mangahigh.com/en-gb/ These two websites are good for revision of Maths concepts and topics, along with other logic and problem-solving puzzles. https://www.youtube.com/user/TEDEducation/playlists https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/ https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ These websites have great videos and articles on almost everything you can think of! Ted-Ed have hundreds of videos on lots of different Geography, Science, History, Mathematics and Philosophical topics so I'm sure there will be something to interest all of you there. The DK and National Geographic websites are also very interesting, with many articles and stories about SESE topics that can be used for projects or just your own reading if you are interested. www.gonoodle.com https://rtejr.rte.ie/10at10/ These websites are what we use during Warm-up and movement breaks in school, but they're good to use in order to stay active and keep moving at home! https://www.seideansi.ie/index.php https://www.cula4.com/en/ These websites have brilliant Irish games, activities and videos for you to have a look at too. Now is the perfect opportunity for you to watch some TV shows and cartoons as Gaeilge and see how many verbs (briathra) or other words you can recognise. See if you can figure out what tense they are using (aimsir chaite, aimsir láithreach nó aimsir fhástineach). https://freerice.com/ This is another brilliant website set up by the United Nations to help to reach the sustainable development goals by 2030. It is a quiz game which donates food to countries who are affected by famine, poverty or food inequality for every correct answer you get! So each time you get a right answer, food is donated to those in need which is a great way to build your vocabulary and help the United Nations to reach the sustainable development goals by the year 2030! Hello everyone! I hope you're all keeping well and staying safe during the school closures and the changes that are affecting us all due to Covid 19. I understand that it is a little bit strange for children and their families at this time, but it is so important to adhere to the guidelines given by the H.S.E. to make sure that we all stay safe and reduce the amount of cases of in our communities. While we know that it's important for children to keep in contact and chat with one another, the safest and most caring way to do that at the moment is from home. I have sent emails to all parents about the use of Edmodo and Duolingo for online learning, which included usernames and passwords for every child. If you have not already, please accept the permissions on Aladdin so that we can all get started and continue with new projects, assignments, tasks, quizzes and games to keep leaning while schools are closed. Thank you! The Edmodo and Duolingo apps can be downloaded for free on the Google Play store and the App store for both Android and Apple devices (phones, tablets, laptops, etc). The children can also access their profiles online at Edmodo.com and Duolingo.com. Projects and assignments will be posted online via Edmodo and challenges for Duolingo will also be assigned once your child has accessed their profiles. Until Friday 20th March, the children will carry on as normal with their Mental Maths books, My Spelling Workbook and Library reading for 25 minutes each day. The children were also asked to complete some of the activities listed on the grid that each child received last Thursday, which I will also upload here on Aladdin. I also suggested that children complete some project research on a topic of their own interest if they find the time! This is a great opportunity to learn more about the hobbies, subjects, cultures, musicians, ideas and athletes that interest or inspire them, as next week it will be back to (somewhat) normal assignments, projects, quizzes and homework. Starting next Monday, there will be a more structured layout to the work assigned. A suggested timetable for each day will be sent so that the children can keep busy and continue with their classwork which would have been done in class. I am here to support and guide your children as best I can in their learning, so please let me know if there is anything I can do to help! For now, I ask the children of 6th Red not to worry, to be kind and to ask what you can do at home to help your families. The 'Smaoineamh an Lae' today comes from Leo Varadkar's Saint Patrick's day speech last night "let it be said that when things were at their worst we were at our best." Stay safe and keep well, Giorgia ![]()
AuthorHi my name is Heidi and welcome to the 6th Red blog! Email: [email protected]
October 2022
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