Here's a look at some of our Maths stations! Each table had a different activity set up for the children to work on but all were based on the topic of Fractions. We started multiplication and division of fractions this year so it was important that we knew all about equivalent fractions and how to recognise them!
Here are some pictures of when we planted bulbs in Autumn. In Science we investigated the structure of flower bulbs and compared them to other seeds. Although we planted the daffodils and other butterfly-friendly flowers in October, they won't bloom until next Springtime so we'll have to be patient!
One of our activities for Maths Week this year was an escape room in the classroom! Puzzles were hidden around the classroom and the answer to each puzzle was the digit of one of the numbers of the combination. There was a timer set for 15 minutes and in teams the children had to solve the problems, work out the answers to the puzzles and figure out the combination. It was definitely a high pressure task, especially with the Mission Impossible soundtrack in the background, but in the end one team managed to solve 8 out of 9 digits correctly and were the champions!
During Maths week we also solved Maths riddles and logical puzzles in class, as well as writing some of our own. We learned about Polya's Problem Solving Method and created Caesar Ciphers which are the earliest known ciphers and have been used to send secret coded messages for hundreds of years! Our Maths Table quiz also took place with the other 6th and 5th Classes at the end of the week, thank you once again to the parents who were able to get involved on the day of the quiz! Here are some pictures from one of one our PE lessons in November! We applied what we had learned about Procedural writing during our English lessons to create games for PE. At their stations, the children were working in small groups to plan and prepare games for the other children in the class to play. Each game was different and each group got to choose what equipment they needed along with the rules on how to play! Hello!
This is 6th Class Red, we're going to tell you a little bit about what we have done so far this year. On the 20th of September we went on a climate strike. We went on the strike because Greta Thunberg organised a school strike for climate change and we were part of 150 countries that participated. We also made posters and walked around our area, our protest was very peaceful. We also held an assembly to raise awareness and inform everyone about how to help. We drew a big circle on the floor, as part of our Maths lesson using a bamboo stick, a chalk marker and string to learn how to find the circumference of a circle. We are now learning how to find the area of a circle. These are some of the major things we have been doing in school this term, we will update you soon! -Adejuwon and Ainhoa. |
AuthorHi my name is Heidi and welcome to the 6th Red blog! Email: [email protected]
October 2022
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